Made in USA


GMP certified

FDA registered facility

Highest Quality

Non-GMO Ingredients

Neptus Nutrition

OUR story

Neptus Nutrition + The Fitness Forum

an educated & sustainable approach to health + Fitness

Whether you consider yourself a competitive athlete (or want to be) or you’re a “I workout so I can eat what I want” kinda guy or gal, Neptus Nutrition & The Fitness Forum are here to help.


Our focus is on educating people to allow them to make the best decisions about their health – including identifying when it might make sense to see a specialist!

We independently test our products for purity (all made in USA) and use non-GMO, effective ingredients that have been scientifically proven in humans (not just a bunch of stuff that markets well but has only been shown effective in mice *cough* raspberry ketones *cough*).

Our ingredients are explained to help you understand why and how they work to make an educated decision before you purchase! 

Pst! Check out our blog here.

First and foremost, we want to make sure you’re healthy. That’s why you’ll see the Neptus brand’s foundational products are centered around HEALTH with supplements like probiotics, natural sleep aids, and joint support! And they are just that.. supplements! 

If you’re looking for a whole-person approach to health + fitness, check out THE FITNESS FORUM for custom programming, habits, accountability, and nutritional support to help you meet you where you’re at and get you to where you want to be, sustainably.

female arms dumbbell
casual tff shot

Hi! I’m Valerie, founder of Neptus Nutrition and The Fitness Forum! I’m a proud Navy Veteran & Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Performance, Strength Training, and Body Recomposition. I currently compete in NPC Bodybuilding and have a background in a variety of competitive sports including: Powerlifting, Cross Country, Track & Field, Soccer, and Swimming. 

After a significant Powerlifting accident left me with multi-level disc issues in my neck and low back, I gained 40lbs and I felt terrible! I knew all the right things to do, and yet, here I was overweight. It really came down to a DECISION…not knowledge.

I resolved to “walk the walk” and overcome the LIES I’d been telling myself and help others truly believe that if I could do it with how busy and broken I was.. they could too! 

My approach is simple: sustainable, incremental progress. Consistent steps in the right direction matter more than the size of the steps!

Grow, Train, and Recover With Experts


total body fitness - Comprehensive health plans

mind body and soul


Remote coaching: 100% custom plan with app for integrations like MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, and more!
In-person training available in Jacksonville, FL

FruiteCreated with Sketch.


Flexible Dieting plans built to meet you where you're at with a focus on small, incremental changes in the right direction for a sustainable path to long term results.


Our team works together to ensure a "whole picture" approach to your best you! No more having to explain the same thing over and over seeing different specialists who don't talk to each other!

Apply Today and Become Part of Our Family!

Live. Love. EAT. Lift.

What's so special about Neptus?

Neptus Nutrition: Where quality and humor go hand in hand! A USA-based brand, bringing you only the finest non-GMO supplements that are 3rd party tested for purity and potency…and when we say we manufacture in GMP facilities, we don’t just mean we clean up after ourselves – we mean we do it with style.

Our commitment to quality is no joke, and neither is our sense of humor.

Health + wellness shouldn’t be a dry and boring topic, which is why we infuse a little bit of levity into everything we do. We’re serious about our supplements, but we’re not afraid to have a little fun along the way.

From snarky product descriptions to witty social media posts, we like to keep things lively. But when it comes to our supplements, we don’t mess around. We use only the best ingredients and manufacturing practices, so you can trust that what you’re putting in your body is the real deal.

So whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to up your game, or just someone who wants to stay healthy + happy, we’ve got you covered. And with our combination of quality, humor, and good ol’ fashioned American ingenuity, we’re confident you’ll love what we have to offer.

Where does "Neptus" come from?

Ah, Neptunus, the Roman god of the sea. With his flowing beard and trident in hand, he’s quite the character, let me tell you.

Legend has it that Neptunus was born to the god of the sky, Saturn, and the goddess of the earth, Ops. And as you can imagine, growing up as the son of two big shot gods, Neptunus had some serious expectations to live up to.

But he didn’t disappoint. Neptunus quickly proved himself to be quite the adventurer, spending his days exploring the depths of the sea and battling all sorts of sea creatures. And let me tell you, he had quite the temper – if anyone dared to challenge him, he’d whip out that trident and make quick work of them.

But despite his tough exterior, Neptunus had a soft spot for mortals, often appearing to them in their dreams and offering guidance and protection. And if you were lucky enough to earn his favor, he’d even gift you with a perfectly calm sea for your voyages.

Of course, as with any god worth his salt, Neptunus had his fair share of scandals. He was notorious for his numerous affairs with mortals and other gods alike, and some say he even had a hand in causing the famous sinking of the Titanic (though that’s just a rumor).

In any case, Neptunus remains a beloved figure in Roman mythology, and his legacy lives on today in countless depictions in art and literature. So the next time you’re at sea and the waves are calm, remember to thank the big guy upstairs – or should I say, down below? Our clean and salty supps pay homage to our #1 Sea Daddy.

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